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Sexual Immorality
Sexual Immorality by Guillermo Maldonado
Price: $14.99
Author: Guillermo Maldonado
Subtitle: Discover the steps to prevent bad thoughts and live with a pure mind
Format: Paperback
Length: 120 Pages
Published: 2018

Stock Status:In Stock


For many years, if not centuries, the topic of sexuality has been taboo, a mystery, a shameful matter which is not spoken of or taught about. This snare of the enemy has led people to hide their sexual problems, so that no one else finds out about them, and what is worst, so that nobody can help them either.

It is time to leave shame behind and start healing the body of Christ. Sexual immorality is a demonic spirit that hides in darkness and ignorance, and that can only be defeated when it is exposed to the light of the Word of God.

Topics like the battle of the mind, where fornication, adultery, lasciviousness, sexual abuse and other sins originate, are treated with detail in this book. However, what makes it more valuable, is that in its pages you will find the solution to these problems. You will learn to overcome sexual immorality in your life and also how to help others, so that they can be free as well.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Battle of the Mind and Sexual Immorality
Chapter 2: Sexual Immorality and Demons
Chapter 3: Ten Most Common Illicit Sexual Practices
Chapter 4: Sexual Abuse
Chapter 5: Sex Inside Marriage
Chapter 6: Sanctification, the Solution to Sexual Problems
About the Author

About the Author:
Apostle Guillermo Maldonado is the founder of King Jesus International Ministry – one of the fastest growing multicultural churches in the United States – which has been recognized for its visible manifestations of God’s supernatural power. He is a spiritual father to more than 330 churches in 50 countries, which form the Supernatural Movement Network (formerly called the New Wine Apostolic Network). He is also the founder of the University of the Supernatural Ministry (USM). Apostle Maldonado has a doctorate in Christian counseling and a master’s degree in practical theology. He resides in Miami, Florida, with his wife and partner in ministry, Ana, and their two sons, Bryan and Ronald.