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Satans Deadly Trio
Satans Deadly Trio by Jennifer LeClaire
Price: $13.99
Sale Price: $11.89
Savings: $2.10
Author: Jennifer LeClaire
Subtitle: Defeating The Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft
Format: Paperback
Length: 187 Pages
Published: 2014

Stock Status:In Stock


You’re on your guard for the Jezebel spirit. But did you know that it doesn’t work alone? Just as the holy Trinity works together to deliver, redeem and then guide us day by day, an unholy trinity is doing everything possible to put us in bondage, strip us of our God-given identity and derail our kingdom purpose.

Satan’s abominable threesome – the spirits of Jezebel, religion and witchcraft – is coordinating its attack. Are you prepared?

Veteran spiritual warrior Jennifer LeClaire pulls back the curtain on the calculated and systematic strategies of the enemy while offering practical biblical tactics to combat this deadly trio. Her Spirit-anointed discernment will help you to understand the hidden schemes of these spirits and, with God’s help, to resist them.

Here is the plan of attack that will allow you to take back your kingdom purpose, claim freedom from Satan’s deadly trio and live in victory.

Table of Contents:

Foreword by John Eckhardt
Chapter 1: The Unholy Trinity
Chapter 2: Jezebel’s Idolatrous Agenda
Chapter 3: Identifying Jezebel’s Puppets
Chapter 4: The Jehu Anointing
Chapter 5: Witchcraft’s Wicked Power
Chapter 6: Casting Down Witchcraft’s Curses
Chapter 7: Religion’s Disarming Agenda
Chapter 8: Embracing the Spirit of Liberty
Chapter 9: Wicked Works of the Flesh
Chapter 10: Forgiveness: Your Stealth Weapon Against the Enemy
Chapter 11: Wrestling with Satan’s Deadly Trio


Those in spiritual warfare circles often hear about the spirits of Jezebel, religion and witchcraft. But few people connect the dots between these three with the insight Jennifer LeClaire offers in this book. By exposing these demonic forces one by one with the light of biblical truth, she unveils how they operate both individually and collectively. More importantly, she equips mature believers to combat and overcome darkness through the power of God.
Marcus Yoars, former editor, Charisma magazine

In unique description and presentation, Jennifer clearly exposes the root of pride, self-righteousness and legalism that desires to manipulate and control rather than liberate and empower. She also guides us into the path of freedom through the weapon of forgiveness and release. The candor and directness by which Jennifer unpacks the message in this book is commendable. She encourages us to expose the facades and gloss, and to take honest review. May we recognize the deadly trio and unholy trinity that would keep us constrained from the glorious plans of God for us. May we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.
Doug Stringer, Turning Point Ministries Intl; Somebody Cares Intl.

About the Author:

Jennifer LeClaire is a prophetic voice and teacher. She directs IHOP – Fort Lauderdale, serves as news editor for Charisma magazine and writes one of Charisma’s most popular columns, The Plumb Line. She lives in south Florida.