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Queen of Heaven Wife of Satan
Queen of Heaven Wife of Satan by Prayer Madueke
Price: $15.99
Author: Prayer Madueke
Format: Paperback
Length: 285 Pages
Published: 2015

Stock Status:In Stock


The Queen of Heaven is one of the wicked and daring principalities that Satan trusts very much. She is connected with virtually all evil. She is to Satan whom the Holy Spirit is to God. Her witchcraft is the most sophisticated in the list because she is in charge.

She is the eternal partner of Satan. She is the direct executive of Satan. No department of Satan’s kingdom can act without her knowledge. She is in possession of every sinner’s file. Satan himself, in most cases, cannot do much without this principality. Her office is next to that of Satan.

She is the inspirer of all false doctrines. She is the overseer of dead churches and all evil groups, anti-God, and anti-Christ organizations. She is the character builder of all evil men. Her chief ministry is to misinterpret, oppose and fight God and his people.

This book exposes the mystery of this evil principality and shows every Christian how to stay safe from her evil influence.

Table of Contents:
Queen of Heaven – Wife of Satan
Unmasking the Queen of Heaven
Identifying Worshippers of the Queen of Heaven
Queen of Heaven – An Ancient Object of Worship
The Queen of Heaven was Being Worshipped in Different Nations with the Following Names
The Queen of Heaven in the Christian Church
Consequences of Evil Prosperity
Immorality as an Instrument of Queen Heaven
Characteristics of Pentecostal Witchcraft Pastors
Leviathan and the Queen of the Coast
Queen of the Coast
Encounter with the Queen of Heaven
War Against the Queen of Heaven

Prayer Section
Breaking Evil Marriages
Total Freedom from Leviathan
Victory Over Marine Witchcraft
Deliverance from Inordinate Affections
Pulling Down Satanic Satellites
Prayer Against Spiritual Children
Prayers Against Incurable Sicknesses

Prayer Points
Deliverance from the Queen of Heaven
Freedom from Worldly Spirits
Queen of Heaven, Die!
Spirit Husband, Wife, Concubine and Children
Deliverance from Evil Soul Ties

About the Author:
Prayer Madueke is a notable spiritual warfare expert. From humble beginnings, he has risen through the ranks after serving in national and international capacities. A dynamic deliverance minister, proclaimer of holiness, and a prolific writer, whose works have profited many people around the world, Prayer Madueke has continued to declare that effective prayers of the righteous people availeth much. Presently, he is the founder of Prayer Emancipation Missions. He is happily married to Pastor Roseline Madueke and they are blessed with wonderful children.