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Praying Grace
Praying Grace by Terry Teykl

Price: $15.99
Author: Terry Teykl
Subtitle: Training for Personal Ministry
Format: 8.5X11" Manual
Length: 146 Pages
Published: 2002

Stock Status:In Stock


Have you ever wanted to pray for a loved one who was sick, but you were too afraid? Have you ever wanted to lead a friend through a salvation prayer, but weren’t sure how? Have you ever wanted to say, “Can I pray for you?”

Praying Grace – training for personal ministry:
  • Communicates the desperate need of people to experience God today
  • Establishes the biblical mandate for personal prayer ministry
  • Explains how praying for the felt needs of the lost reaps huge kingdom benefits
  • Addresses pastors’ fears about doing altar ministry in church
  • Trains readers to pray for someone in any situation using the simple GRACE model
  • Offers in depth training in praying for salvation, healing, fullness and freedom
  • Provides thought provoking questions and practical application exercises for easy group study or personal use.

Altar your life – learn to pray with confidence and effectiveness for those you love.

From your church sanctuary to the coffee house, there are people all around you that need a touch from God. And all it takes are these five words, “Can I pray for you?” Join Dr. Terry Teykl, national prayer leader, as he teaches you to pray for family and friends. His passion and humor will engage you and encourage you to “pray GRACE: everywhere you go.

Table of Contents:
Unit 1: Foundations
Part 1: Prayer as a Ministry
Part 2: Why We Don’t Pray at the Altar
Part 3: What Altar Ministry IS
Part 4: What Altar Ministry is NOT
Part 5: Prayer Ushers

Unit 2: Training
Part 6: The Personal Prayer Model
Part 7: The Nitty Gritty
Part 8: The Toolbox
Part 9: A Word to Pastors

Unit 3: Application
Part 10: Praying for Salvation
Part 11: Praying for Healing
Part 12: Praying for Fullness
Part 13: Praying for Freedom
Part 14: Grace Prayed
Works Cited

About the Author:
Terry Teykl’s warm humorous style makes him one of the most sought-after speakers and seminar leaders in the country. Terry pastored local churches for 28 years. In 1987, God spoke to Terry and told him to “guild the church in prayer.” Since that time, he has been teaching churches across the country how to pray and invite the Holy Spirit. Terry and his wife, Kay, reside in Houston, Texas.