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Pathway of Victory
Pathway of Victory by Patricia King
Price: $14.99
Author: Patricia King
Subtitle: Face to Face Transformed from Glory to Glory
Format: Paperback
Length: 132 Pages
Published: 2024

Stock Status:In Stock

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Each individual is loved by our Creator. He has a carefully crafted path for each one of His children. His plans for us are ultimately for good and He has planted in every heart a seed of faith to believe in Him. His instruction manual is His Word, known better as the Bible.

Patricia King shares portions of her own pathway of discovering more about her heavenly Father through faith in His Son Jesus. These stories are provided amid teachings on the basic tenets of the Christian faith. Her journey maps out a template for new believers to follow in pursuing God's will for their lives. Old and new believers alike will find topics of interest to encourage and challenge them. The path begins with a deeper study of salvation, then baptism, and growth through daily reading of the Bible. The joys of meeting with other believers while praising and worshipping the LORD bring unity and strength on the journey. The liberty that comes from identifying strongholds the enemy has established in our minds and hearts while learning to forgive and renounce past hurts and sinful habits provide freedom and joy.

Then a topic that is often neglected is presented regarding the rewards the Lord will give to those who have earned them through righteous living. This is followed by the various ways we can discover the destiny God has planned for us individually. Finally, all believers are encouraged to share their faith with others and minister to them as Christ's ambassadors. This leads to a life of great fulfillment and a deepening of intimacy with God and His Son while working with the Holy Spirit wherever the Lord directs us daily.

Take the hand of your Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, while experiencing the path of victory He has for you. Seek His face and listen for His leading from glory to greater dimensions of glory in His kingdom of light. You will expand your understanding of Him, life in the spirit, and love for your God and the people He places in your life. Expect the unexpected and enjoy each step of this abundant life with Him.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Victory Red
Chapter 2: Blessed Baptisms
Chapter 3: Daily Manna
Chapter 4: Meeting Together
Chapter 5: Powerful Praise
Chapter 6: Wondrous Worship
Chapter 7: Fully Free
Chapter 8: Righteous Rewards
Chapter 9: Discovering Destiny
Chapter 10: Adonai’s Ambassadors

About the Author:
Patricia King is a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and aunt. She loves to share the truths she has learned about God’s love, faithfulness, and amazing plans that He has for all His children. She and her husband, Garry, live in Carmel, Indiana. They have ministered together as leaders of Hamilton County Courtside Ministry, in Healing Rooms, on prayer teams, and with a variety of parachurch ministries.

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