“Somehow, I was instantly in Heaven; I knew the room I was standing in was directly adjacent to the throne room of the Father,” writes author James Maloney. From this exciting experience, shared in the first chapter, to the thrilling conclusion, The Panoramic Seer reveals realms and realities that most Christians don’t even know exist!
Panorama is the seer’s prophetic gifting that releases the miraculous. It is tied into five key elements: inheritance, humility, compassion, righteousness, and faith. These keys and much more are presented to you in a spiritually sensitive way – straight from the throne room of God.
You will hear the applause of Heaven when you operate as a panoramic seer. The only way to cultivate that kind of relationship with Him is in the secret place. The Panoramic Seer takes you to that special place and offers you the powerful Kingdom secrets that have sustained the move of God from generation to generation.
Table of Contents Foreword by Dr. Mark Chironna They’re Watching Us Adrenal Fatigue Smeared The Joy of Humility The Crushing of the Holy Spirit Central America What is Panorama? Jordan Developing Panorama Yemen The Character of the Panoramic Seer Following Love Why Does God Sit on a Throne? The Download of Faith USSR Inheriting a Revival
Endorsements Few people I know have the history and experience in the moving of the Holy Spirit as does James Maloney. His personal story is one of my favorites in modern day church history. The Panoramic Seer is an invaluable book in this regard: to learn how to recognize and cooperate with the moving of the Holy Spirit as Jesus did. I believe that God will use this to equip hungry believers to live in a realm of the Spirit similar to what God has given to James. I am so happy to see this book finally written. It is an answer to the cry of my own heart for more. Bill Johnson, Senior Leader, Bethel Church, Redding California
Dr. Maloney’s book, The Panoramic Seer, contains powerful revelation and wisdom from God that is so crucial for the Body of Christ. I believe this book is heaven sent for a time such as this where the Body of Christ needs great discernment. Combining his experiential knowledge of God with an in-depth study of the Word of God, Dr. Maloney brings enriching revelation that is sorely needed in the Body today. It is a must read that you will want to read over and over again as it will equip and edify you. Ryan C. Lee, Lead Pastor, Blessed International Fellowship, Anaheim, California
About the Author James Maloney is the president of The ACTS Group International, an apostolic vehicle for activating, counseling, and training in the supernatural. His other books include The Dancing Hand of God, The Wounded Cry, Ladies of Gold, and the forthcoming Aletheia Eleutheroo. He and his family live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
