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On the Road with the Holy Spirit
On the Road with the Holy Spirit by Ken Fish
Price: $19.99
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Author: Ken Fish
Subtitle: A Modern-Day Diary of Signs and Wonders
Format: Paperback
Length: 231 Pages
Published: 2023

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


More than a hundred years ago healing minister Maria Woodworth-Etter chronicled the work of the Holy Spirit through her ministry in a book titled A Diary of Signs and Wonders. Inspired by her words, Ken Fish takes a page from her classic and chronicles how he has seen the Holy Spirit move in On the Road with the Holy Spirit.

In addition to sharing the miraculous signs and wonders he has witnessed; Fish creates a theological lens through which to view the events recorded. You will be empowered to understand miraculous signs in your own life and usher in an unprecedented move of God through the Hoy Spirit’s touch.

Table of Contents:
Pillar 1: Prophetic Ministry
Pillar 2: Purity
Pillar 3: Power
Pillar 4: Presence
Pillar 5: Prayer
Appendix A: Expectation
Appendix B: Freemasonry
Appendix C: The Sixth P: Pedagogy
Appendix D: Unbelief
About the Author

About the Author:
Ken Fish is the founder of Orbis Ministries and is widely regarded as an expert in prophecy, healing, and deliverance. He has degrees from Princeton University, Fuller Theological Seminary, and UCLA’s Anderson Graduate School of Management, and spent over a decade working for John Wimber in the early years of the Vineyard movement. Today he travels the globe teaching topics that also include spiritual formation, leadership development, and church growth and governance. He and his wife, Beth, have three adult children and live in the Los Angeles area.