Originally published in 1858, this classic volume recounts the remarkable history of New York City’s Fulton Street Noon Prayer Meeting that sparked a revival throughout America and abroad. Full of remarkable stories of God’s power to draw people to Himself, this firsthand account of the Noon Prayer Meeting not only tells what God has done in the past, but will raise your faith to new levels for what God will do in the future. This glimpse into history will give you new fervor to believe that God’s power to bring His Kingdom to Earth will once again rain down on New York City and America in days to come.
“It is amazing to consider that the location of the first of these meetings was in the exact vicinity where the World Trade Center recently stood – between West Street and Greenwich Crossing at Fulton. He cry of 2 Chronicles 7:14 rings truer than ever; ‘If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and heal their land.’ As you read this book, allow God’s Spirit to speak to your heart for our nation. Could it be that God intends to use the horrific attack of September 11, 2001 to bring revival from the rubble – from the same place He did in 1857?” - Taken from Introduction by Tom Mahairas, Founder, Manhattan Bible Church’ President, CitiVision, Inc.
Table of Contents:
Foreword by Dutch Sheets Introduction by Tom Mahairas Chapter 1: Introductory Chapter 2: The Origin, Character, and Progress of the Noon Prayer Meeting Chapter 3: The Globe Hotel Meeting Chapter 4: Requests for Prayers and for Thanks Chapter 5: Answers to Prayer Chapter 6: The Noon Meeting in Philadelphia Chapter 7: General Reflections
About the Author:
Rev. Talbot W. Chambers, a pastor at the North Dutch Reformed Church in New York City and participant in the Fulton Street Noon Prayer Meetings, was commissioned to write this inspiring account of the remarkable events he witnessed in 1857-1858.
