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Killing Lazarus
Killing Lazarus by Ryan Bruss
Price: $13.99
Author: Ryan Bruss
Subtitle: Discover Why the Enemy is Trying to Take You Out and What You Can Do About It
Format: Paperback
Length: 204 Pages
Published: 2020

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)



After Lazarus was raised from the dead, the religious leaders wanted to have him killed. Why? Because everywhere that Lazarus went, he was a testimony of the power of God and many believed in Jesus because of him!

If you are a Christian, you also have an enemy that’s trying to take you out. Why? Because everywhere you go, you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness and the enemy knows it. Just the fact that you are born-again keeps him in pursuit of you! Believe it or not, he’s afraid that you are going to take your stand against him and pay him back for all that he’s done to you. Killing Lazarus shows you not only how he has been trying to sabotage you, but what you can do about it! This is a book with answers. This is a book that will give you hope. The enemy is afraid of what you are about to read. Are you ready to make him pay?

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Come Forth

Chapter 2: Your Supernatural Calling

Chapter 3: A Mary Heart

Chapter 4: Sons and Daughters

Chapter 5: The Battle for Your Testimony

Chapter 6: Hidden Places of the Heart

Chapter 7: Beyond Breakthrough

Chapter 8: Declarations


Supernaturally empowering! This book is fiercely exposing and destroying the work of the serpent who’s hiding in our blindsides to hinder our calling and destiny. It is empowering us to be bold in our identity, go deeper in our intimacy with God to become an unstoppable conqueror. Your life is never going to be the same after reading it. It is so needed in such a time as this to take you to the next level as you were praying for so long. You’re going to be empowered and activated beyond your expectations.

Isik Abla, Pastor, Author and TV & Social Media Evangelist

About the Author:

Ryan Bruss founded Revive International to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations of the world. Ryan has had the privilege of traveling to many countries, seeing people saved, healed, and delivered. With a passion for revival and the Father heart of God, Ryan has seen the power of God in salvations, prophecy, and miracles – from house churches to open air meetings. Besides traveling to minister, he, along with an amazing group of passionate believers, pastors a church in North Carolina, called Antioch Community Church. Ryan and his beautiful wife, Megan, have been married for over 21 years and have two wonderful kids, Elianna and Andrew.