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Jezebels Puppets
Jezebels Puppets by Jennifer LeClaire
Price: $15.99
Sale Price: $12.79
Savings: $3.20
Author: Jennifer LeClaire
Subtitle: Exposing the Agenda of False Prophets
Format: Paperback
Length: 231 Pages
Published: 2016

Stock Status:In Stock


Many Christians are familiar with the biblical character Jezebel, yet they do not know the demonic spirit by that name that still wreaks havoc today. The Jezebel spirit characterizes anyone who acts in the same manner as Jezebel did, engaging in immorality, idolatry, false teaching, and unrepentant sin. This spirit is conniving and destructive, welling in those who let it to have its way no matter who is destroyed in the process.

Unbeknownst to many people, the Jezebel spirit has a cast of demonic puppets, including the spirits of Ahab, the false prophets, and the eunuchs. This evil army of spirits works together to tear you down. But who are thee spiritual servants, how do you recognize them, and how should you respond once you’ve identified them in your midst?

Jezebel’s Puppets will fully expose this destructive team’s plan, teaching you how to discern each spirit, break their evil influence, and defeat them!

Table of Contents:
Foreword by James W. Goll
Chapter 1: Satan’s Fallen Angels
Chapter 2: Pulling the Mask Off Jezebel’s Puppets
Chapter 3: Jezebel’s Master Plot
Chapter 4: Ahab the Empowerer
Chapter 5: Unraveling Ahab’s Alliances
Chapter 6: Jezebel’s Yes-Men
Chapter 7: Confronting Jezebel’s False Prophets
Chapter 8: The Royal Eunuchs
Chapter 9: Escaping Spiritual Slavery
Chapter 10: Recognizing Jezebel’s Spiritual Children
Chapter 11: Giving Jezebel (and Her Children) Space to Repent
Chapter 12: Overcoming Jezebel’s Offspring
Chapter 13: Avoiding the Jehu Syndrome
Chapter 14: You Can’t Blame Everything on Jezebel

Jennifer LeClaire has done it again! The Jezebel spirit cannot survive without an Ahab spirit that gives the demonic authority to operate. In this work Jennifer LeClaire strips away the veneer of satanic liars and religious counterfeits to expose and expel this hindering spirit. I commend this to all who love the freedom that is ours in Christ.
Dr. Ron Phillips, senior pastor, Abba’s House

I have heard many teachings and read many books about Jezebel and the spirit of Jezebel. I can honestly say this is the best and most thorough teaching on the truth concerning Jezebel, her cohort, Ahab, and the spiritual army of darkness that works with her to empower her agenda of seduction. This book will help you not only see and discern when Jezebel is in operation, but also ensure there are no open doors in your personal life that will give opportunity for this evil spirit to take advantage of you. Scripture states that we are not to remain ignorant or uninformed of the schemes of the enemy, in order that he might not outwit us (2 Cor. 2:11). This book is a must-read for every believer who desires to be equipped to understand, discern, and overcome Jezebel.
Rebecca Greenwood, Cofounder, Christian Harvest International and Strategic Prayer Action Network

About the Author:
Jennifer LeClaire is the director for Awakening House of Prayer and the author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, The Spiritual Warrior’s Guide to Defeating Jezebel, and The Heart of the Prophetic. With a powerful testimony of God’s power to turn ashes into beauty, she shares her story with women who need to understand the love and grace of God in a lost and dying world. LeClaire is also the senior editor for Charisma magazine.