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How to Contend for Your Miracle
How to Contend for Your Miracle by Ryan Johnson
Price: $15.99
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Author: Ryan Johnson
Subtitle: How Supernatural Encounters and Faith Work Together to Bring Answered Prayers
Format: Paperback
Length: 167 Pages
Published: 2020

Stock Status:In Stock

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What do you do when you rec a promise from the Lord, but it doesn’t come to pass? How do you get from promise to fulfillment?

When Ryan Johnson’s mother was diagnosed with cancer, God took him on a revelatory journey, showing him how prophetic promises are realized.

In the midst of her grim diagnosis, Ryan’s mother was having recurring dreams of playing with her adult grandchildren. These dreams were prophetic signposts that the diagnosis would not be a death sentence. This gave Ryan faith to press into God for answers and contend for a miracle. Now his mother is healed and cancer free!

During this process, the Holy Spirit revealed keys to activating faith and seeing promises come to pass, even when it seems like the situation is hopeless.

How to Contend for Your Miracle will show you how to:
  • Use the dreams, visions, and prophetic words that God gives as anchors for your faith and weapons against the enemy.
  • Activate the gift of faith to accelerate the fulfillment of your prophetic promises.
  • Thrive in the midst of your struggle by standing on the Word of God.

Rise up! Contend for your miracle, so all of God’s promises can come to pass!

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Jennifer LeClaire
Chapter 1: What We Think We Know
Chapter 2: What Faith Is
Chapter 3: The Father of It All
Chapter 4: The Challenges We Face
Chapter 5: Is It Faith or Is It Trust
Chapter 6: The Blueprint of Faith
Chapter 7: The Journey
Chapter 8: The Activation of Faith
Chapter 9: The Destiny of Your Faith
Chapter 10: Now Faith Is


This book is a must read. Throughout this book, Ryan lays down a pathway for seeing the prophetic realized in your life. When you marry faith with the prophetic, the results are powerful! As you read this, allow the Holy Spirit to build your faith and watch how God moves in your life!
Joshua Gay, Pastor, High Praise Orlando

About the Author:
Ryan Johnson is dedicated to helping equip the Body of Christ to awaken the nations with a prophetic call of a rising Ekklesia. He is a son of God, husband, and father of four. Ryan is a prophetic voice devoted to the righteousness of Christ, seeking to release the demonstration of the Father’s Heart in regions, individuals, and the Church across the world.