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Healing and Freedom Through Truth Encounters
Healing and Freedom Through Truth Encounters by Steve Pidd
Price: $22.95
Author: Steve Pidd
Subtitle: Receiving Gods provision for spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, relational, sexual and addictive problems
Format: Paperback
Length: 372 Pages
Published: 2019

Stock Status:In Stock


In the modern church there is a major focus on renewing the minds of believers, which is certainly very important. In 'Healing and Freedom Through Truth Encounters,' Steve Pidd explains that the mind is only a part of the problem. The book explains what the 'heart' is from a Biblical perspective, and how its wholeness is central to freedom and healing. Neglecting ministering to the ‘heart’ is why many Christians never become free from their negative emotions, anxieties, unwanted, or out of Biblical order responses and reactions. It is also at the root of many physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and relational disorders. Indeed, the Church international would be very different if more work was done in this transformative area.

The publication is broken into five sections. It begins with unveiling from a scriptural perspective how healing the broken heart is a major ministry of the Holy Spirit, without which the body of Christ lacks wholeness. It exposes what the Bible has to say about what the ‘heart’ is, and how it is implicated in every area of your life.

Section 2 covers how to receive your freedom and healing, and also how to minister to others. Section 3 looks at the typical roots and beginnings of the issues that we deal with. Section 4 unpacks the relationship between the fallen spiritual world and the condition of our hearts. Finally, Section 5 deals with the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and how He is wanting to work firstly in us, and then through us.

Table of Contents:
Section 1: Truth Encounters: A Biblical Perspective
Chapter 1: Truth encounters and the fall of man
Chapter 2: Why grace?
Chapter 3: Understanding the biblical meaning of the heart
Chapter 4: The role of memory
Chapter 5: Grasshoppers and faith
Chapter 6: Strongholds and spiritual warfare
Chapter 7: Beliefs produce feelings or what we term emotions
Chapter 8: The example of the Apostle Paul’s dilemma
Chapter 9: Sanctification, healing and freedom come through truth
Chapter 10: What is a broken heart and who is broken-hearted?
Chapter 11: Physical healing through healing the broken heart
Chapter 12: Gods own perspective for those suffering in this area

Section 2: Ministering Truth Encounters
Chapter 13: Accessing the heart via the mind and emotions
Chapter 14: Sources of and influences on heart beliefs
Chapter 15: Memory
Chapter 16: Types of beliefs
Chapter 17: Problem areas that you may periodically encounter

Section 3: Discernment
Chapter 18: Rejection
Chapter 19: Results of rejection or non-acceptance
Chapter 20: Pride
Chapter 21: Rebellion
Chapter 22: Control
Chapter 23: Principles of Anger
Chapter 24: Unforgiveness, resentment and bitterness
Chapter 25: Dealing with Fear
Chapter 26: Guilt and shame
Chapter 27: Grief

Section 4: Dealing with the Demonic Element
Chapter 28: Spiritual dynamics and setting the captives free
Chapter 29: Unholy spirits, are they inside or outside?
Chapter 30: The Strong man’s goods
Chapter 31: Names of demons and touching the spirit realm
Chapter 32: Breaches
Chapter 33: Final thoughts

Section 5: Disciples and the Works of Jesus
Chapter 34: The Church and the Holy Spirit
Chapter 35: The tools or equipment of the Holy Spirit?
Chapter 36: Healing streams and the river of God
Appendix 1: Redemption and atonement scriptures
Appendix 2: Sample testimonies/sample testimonies from leaders
Appendix 3: Centre details and faith statement