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Haunted Houses, Ghosts, and Demons
Haunted Houses, Ghosts, and Demons by Roberts Liardon
Price: $10.99
Author: Roberts Liardon
Subtitle: What you can do about them
Format: Paperback
Length: 121 Pages
Published: 1998/2014

Stock Status:In Stock


Supernatural phenomena are everywhere these days – television, movies, video games, books, the Internet. What is the truth about angels, spirit beings, and aliens? Are there supernatural forces that are in control of the minds and souls of people?

As a boy, Roberts Liardon had a vision in which he went to heaven and talked with Jesus face-to-face. Drawing from his experience with the spirit realm, his any years of ministry, and his wealth of Bible knowledge, Liardon answers questions about the supernatural. He also provides historical perspective on this realm and encourages a new awareness of the spiritual activity in our everyday lives.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Demons on the Rampage
Chapter 2: The Fall from Glory
Chapter 3: A Habitation of Demons
Chapter 4: Following Jesus into Battle
Chapter 5: The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail
Chapter 6: Seven Steps to Demon Possession
Chapter 7: Moving Forward in the Power of God
About the Author

About the Author:
Roberts Liardon is an author, public speaker, spiritual leader, church historian, and humanitarian. He was called into the ministry at a very young age, preaching his first public sermon at the age of thirteen and lecturing in Christian colleges and universities at age fifteen. Roberts had the privilege of being mentored by Oral Roberts and Lester Sumrall, and now he is under the covering of both Dr. Che Ahn of Harvest International Ministry and Pastor Colin Dye of Kensington Temple, London, England. As a recognized church historian specializing in the Pentecostal and charismatic movements, he is much in demand as a speaker, writer, and mentor.