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Great Turnaround
Great Turnaround by Susanne Weegmann
Price: $18.99
Author: Susanne Weegmann
Subtitle: From Lawlessness to Holiness
Format: Paperback
Length: 251 Pages
Published: 2021

Stock Status:In Stock


Are you feeling overwhelmed by the confusion, crime, and lawlessness in your nation?

Do you long for clarity, peace, godliness, and holiness? Are you ready to shift yourself and your nation in prayer from lawlessness to holiness?

Then take comfort in this: God has not forgotten you nor your nation. On the contrary, he has given us the blueprint in his word with which we can walk through. He has already prepared the way. Will you walk on it?

Join Author Susanne Weegmann in The Great Turnaround, a 40-day-journey along with the story of King Hezekiah. You will experience inner-healing and the power of purifying yourself and your nation as a priest of the most high God and see God move in your life and your nation. As you walk chapter by chapter through The Great Turnaround, it will be your cleansing path, your turn towards the laws and orders of the heavenly kingdom, your turn for the good.

As you see yourself more and more positioned as a priest and work with GOD together in prayer, it will become The Great Turnaround for you to the Father's heart. You will cleanse and purify your life, break courses over you, your family, and your nation.

You did not land on this page by accident. You are here because God is actively pursuing to install his purposes in your life.

Table of Contents:
How to Use This Manual
Day 1: Reopen the Temple
Day 2: Remove All Defiled Things
Day 3: The Lord’s Anger
Day 4: The New Covenant
Day 5: Follow All Instructions
Day 6: Purify the Temple
Day 7: Purified and Ready to Use
Day 8: Descendants of Aaron
Day 9: Take Your Position
Day 10: Bow Down to Worship
Day 11: Bring Your Thanksgiving
Day 12: Purify the Priests
Day 13: Passover – Preparation
Day 14: Return to the Lord
Day 15: Worship the Lord Your God
Day 16: Gracious and Merciful
Day 17: God Gave Them One Heart
Day 18: Remove All Incense Altars
Day 19: Be Set Apart for the Lord
Day 20: The Lord Listens
Day 21: Regarding Your Skills
Day 22: Joyful Dancing
Day 23: God Hers Your Prayer
Day 24: Passion: Your Greatest Skill
Day 25: At the Gates of the Temple
Day 26: The Power of Your First Fruit
Day 27: The Lord Blessed Israel
Day 28: Prepare the Storerooms
Day 29: Distribute Your Gifts
Day 30: Sought Wholehearted
Day 31: Assyria Invades Judah
Day 32: Hezekiah Worked Hard
Day 33: Be Strong and Courageous
Day 34: What Are You Trusting In?
Day 35: The Enemy Sows Distrust!
Day 36: Truth Turned into Lie
Day 37: The Enemy Sows Hopelessness
Day 38: The Enemy’s Pride
Day 39: Hezekiah Cried Out to God
Day 40: The Great Turnaround

About the Author:
Susanne Weegmann is the leader of Prophetic Fire Ministry. She is a writer and teacher who ministers in different congregations and several house groups. With her prophetic anointing, she leads various prayer groups and has been teaching since 2010.