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Glory Within
Glory Within by Corey Russell
Price: $17.99
Sale Price: $15.29
Savings: $2.70
Author: Corey Russell
Subtitle: Interior Life- Power of Speaking in Tongues
Format: Paperback
Length: 169 Pages
Published: 2012

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)



The Glory Within is about the glory of the new birth, the indwelling Spirit, and your call to right now access the life of God within you – through speaking in tongues.

Many Christians don’t realize the abundant, glorious benefits found in speaking in tongues. Realizing this gift brings you closer to God and your spiritual destiny in a variety of ways including:

  • Engaging the revelatory realm of mysteries
  • Edification
  • Building a capacity for God
  • Successful spiritual warfare
  • Holiness and many other spiritual realities

The lack of revelation of what you now possess and how to intimately access God may result in a less-than-fulfilling Christian experience and lifestyle. The Glory Within awakens your spiritual senses and inner spirit so you can become the person God created you to be.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Mike Bickle

Chapter 1: Born of God

Chapter 2: Made for Communion

Chapter 3: I Speak With Tongues More Than You All

Chapter 4: Unlocking Mysteries

Chapter 5: Strengthening Yourself

Chapter 6: Building a Capacity for God

Chapter 7: Learning How to Fight

Chapter 8: The Key to Transformation

Chapter 9: Receiving and Sustaining Life in the Spirit

Chapter 10: There Is More


This book contains more than good principles to aid your quiet times, but is a treasure given from a father on how to deeply know God. While reading this book, I was brought into times of deep communion, profound revelation, and a fresh hunger and urgency in my life to prioritize extended times of praying in the Holy Spirit. I wholeheartedly endorse this man of God and this book to you. I believe that it’s these ancient paths of deep communion with the Holy Spirit that will prepare this generation for the coming days of global glory and crisis.

Allen Hood, Associate Director of IHOP

Amazingly, the apostle Paul said, “I pray in tongues more than you all.” Why? Why such a boast? There must have been some outrageous power and blessing in it for the greatest apostle to herald it. And if so there must be a great recovery of that ancient tongue of fire. My friend, Corey Russell, puts a compelling demand on that recovery in this book. It’s not just words. For four years I’ve watched this man’s prayer life, with many tongues in the Spirit leading to the mighty tongues of fire on his own life.

Lou Engle, Founder of The Call

About the Author

Corey Russell is on the senior leadership team of the International House of Prayer. In addition to 30 hours a week in the prayer room, he serves as the director of the Forerunner Program. He travels nationally and internationally preaching and teaching about the knowledge of God, intercession, and the urgency of the hour. He resides in Kansas City, Missouri, with his wife, Dana, and their three daughters, Trinity, Mya, and Hadassah.