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Discovering The Seer in You
Discovering The Seer in You by James Goll
Price: $19.99
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Author: James Goll
Subtitle: Exploring Your Prophetic Gifts
Format: 8.5x11" Paperback
Length: 174 Pages
Published: 2007

Stock Status:In Stock



This book will help you find and release the special gifts God has given to you!

Discovering the Seer in You: Exploring Your Prophetic Gifts focuses on dreams, visions, and open heavens – it reveals how you can cultivate this realm of the prophetic in your life, and grounds you in the Word of God concerning prophetic gifts.

Author James W. Goll has been involved in the prophetic movement for years, and is known for adding depth of biblical content, church, and Jewish historical perspectives and contemporary experience to all of his books and teachings. Discovering the Seer in You provides the banks needed so the river of the prophetic anointing can continue to advance.

All prophecy is a sovereign gift of God – any believer can develop the gift by praying that God will give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.

Through discovering your prophetic gifts, you will come to know the Lord in a way you never could on your own or in your own wisdom.

Table of Contents

Instructional Guidelines and Reference Materials


Section 1: Understanding the Seer Realm

Lesson 1: Seer and Prophet: Two Prophetic Streams

Lesson 2: Dimensions of the Prophetic Anointing

Lesson 3: Vision: The Power That Sustains

Lesson 4: The Diversity of Visionary States

Section 2: Spiritual Discernment

Lesson 5: Wisely Judging Revelatory Encounters

Lesson 6: Discerning of Spirits

Section 3: Dreams, Visions, and Other Heavenly Realms

Lesson 7: Dream Language

Lesson 8: Levels of Supernatural Visions

Lesson 9: The Ecstatic Realms of the Spirit

Section 4: Intimacy: The Goal of All Things

Lesson 10: Standing in the Council of God

Lesson 11: Hidden Streams of the Prophetic

Lesson 12: The Key of Intimacy to Open Heavens

Answer Key for Reflective Questions

Appendix A: Wisdom Issues During Times of Refreshing

Appendix B: Interpreting Symbols


Ministry Information


Navigating the unseen realm can be both enticing and challenging as believers seek to grow deeper in the gifts of the Spirit, particularly related to that of the seer gifting. Enticing, because it is awe-inspiring to come in contact with the power and presence of the Lord through spiritual experiences that are often pat of that gifting. Challenging, because it is critical that the Word of God and spiritual disciples such as prayer and intimacy remain the solid footing on which revelational experiences are interpreted.

Jim Goll has succeeded in presenting a comprehensive study of the prophet/seer gift sharing substantial biblical understanding as well as experience from his own spiritual journey. As with Jim’s previous books, this one could well become a manual for those pursuing the seer anointing.

Jane Hansen, President, Aglow International

Jim Goll has blessed the Body of Christ with a greater understanding of the prophetic voice of the Lord. He has given much biblical insight and personal experience that helps us understand the unique ministry of the Prophet and the Seer. Also, valuable guidelines and principles are given concerning how to discern a true word from the Lord and how to properly minister that word. This book will be a very valuable resource for those who desire to be used in prophetic ministry.

Dr. Bill Hamon, Chairman and Founder, Christian International

About the Author

James W. Goll is the president of Encounters Network, Director of PrayerStorm, and coordinates Encounters Alliance, a coalition of leaders. He has shared Jesus in more than 40 nations and has authored numerous books including The Seer, Dream Language and Angelic Encounters. James and Michal Ann were married for over 32 years until her graduation into Heaven in the fall of 2008. They had four children.