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Destiny Thieves
Destiny Thieves by Sandie Freed
Price: $17.99
Sale Price: $16.19
Savings: $1.80
Author: Sandie Freed
Subtitle: Defeat Seducing Spirits and Achieve Your Purpose
Format: Paperback
Length: 233 Pages
Published: 2007

Stock Status:In Stock



Satan wants to steal your destiny. God is offering you a destiny greater than any you have ever dreamed of as you seek to build His Kingdom. But Satan is working relentlessly to distract, seduce and shame you into defeat.

In an impassioned call for discernment and holiness, prophet Sandie Freed warns of Satan's schemers--the same "destiny thieves" he has been using since the beginning of time: Belial, a spirit of shame; Amalekite, a spirit that preys on the weak; Jezebel, a spirit of seduction and control; and others.

Freed draws on her extensive experience in ministry and leadership to demonstrate the vital importance of discernment and obedience in overcoming these thieves. Read and discover how to thwart the plans of the enemy and enjoy the destiny that is rightfully yours.

About the Author

Sandie Freed and her husband, Mickey, are the founders and directors of Zion Ministries in Hurst, Texas. She is an ordained prophetess with Christian International and travels extensively ministering deliverance and life transformation to God's people.