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Destined for the Throne
Destined for the Throne by Paul Billheimer
Price: $14.99
Sale Price: $12.74
Savings: $2.25
Author: Paul Billheimer
Subtitle: How Spiritual Warfare Prepares the Bride of Christ for Her Eternal Destiny
Format: Paperback
Length: 139 Pages
Published: 1996

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


Revealing profound truths about the church and her unique part in the kingdom of God, this book continues to amaze believers more than thirty-five years after its first publication. Its down-to-earth style and biblical insights provide the reader with a rare glimpse into the eternal plan of God to provide a bride – a reigning companion – for His Son.

Inspiring, challenging, and often surprising, this book will transform how you view your relationship with the heavenly Bridegroom – Jesus – and rekindle an excitement for the awesome privilege of prayer.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Ultimate Goal of the Universe: The Church
Chapter 2: God’s Purpose for the Church: Supreme Rank
Chapter 3: The Mystery of Prayer
Chapter 4: Christ’s Gift of Authority
Chapter 5: The Legal Basis of the Authority of the Church
Chapter 6: Christ’s Dynamic Victory
Chapter 7: The Mystery of Unanswered Prayer
Chapter 8: The Problem of Faith
Chapter 9: Organized Action

About the Author:
Paul E. Billheimer authored several enduring books concerning the body of Christ, including Don’t Waste Your Sorrows, Love Covers, Destined to Overcome, and Destined for the Cross. He and his wife began a tent ministry in Anderson, Indiana, in 1936 that grew to include a Bible institute, a Christian high school and day school, and eventually a Christian television station. In later years they worked with Trinity Broadcasting Network. Paul Billheimer passed away in 1984.