Daniel roars because it’s a message that must be heard for today. It’s a message received 2,600 years ago but meant for our time as the end of the ages draws near.
Daniel roars forth precision – dates of kingdoms and events that are so precise that critics go into warp speed to disprove the date Daniel wrote them to avoid the only other alternative: Daniel’s God reigns in the affairs of men. Daniel’s visions are so precise that they gave the exact day, month, and year of the Messiah’s first coming. Daniel’s amazing 70-week prophecy gives us the precise information we need to be on the alert for His second coming.
Daniel is one of the rare biblical individuals about whom God has nothing but good things to say. That may be why Daniel was chosen to convey the largest apocalyptic section of Scripture in the Old Testament. The book of Revelation can’t be understood properly without the foundation Daniel provides.
As Daniel’s prophesies roar in our ears, they create a longing in our hearts – a longing for the arrival of the Groom. Deciphering Daniel prepares us for the most important event in history.
Table of Contents:
Acknowledgments Foreword Before You Begin Chapter 1: An Overview Chapter 2: The Statue – Daniel 2-3 Chapter 3: The Tree – Daniel 4 Chapter 4: The Handwriting on the Wall – Daniel 5 Chapter 5: The Four Beasts – Daniel 6-7 Chapter 6: The Two-Horned Goat – Daniel 8 Chapter 7: The Seventy-Week Prophecy – Daniel 9 Chapter 8: Angelic Warfare – Daniel 10 Chapter 9: The Antichrist and His Archetype, Antiochus – Daniel 11 Chapter 10: The Final Beast – Daniel 12 Chapter 11: Prophetic Signs in Our Times Endnotes Bibliography Other Books by Lost in Translation
About the Author:
John Klein uses Hebraic understandings to unravel end-time prophecy. With a biology degree from Humboldt University, he speaks and writes on biblical prophecy and how science verifies Scripture. John has pastored full-time for 22 years and is currently a teaching, counseling, and administrative pastor for a Messianic Hebrew congregation in Bend, Oregon. John and Jodi, his wife of 37 years, and their four children reside in Bend.
