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Dancing Hand of God Volume 1
Dancing Hand of God Volume 1 by James Maloney
Price: $22.95
Author: James Maloney
Format: Paperback
Length: 296 Pages
Published: 2011

Stock Status:In Stock



The start of James Maloney's life was one of abuse, rejection and fear. It is an all-too-typical story of an unwanted baby who became suicidal at the age of fourteen. But all of that changed New Year's Day, 1971, when in a moment of greatest despair, James cried out for an answer: "God, if You're really real, You're going to have to reveal Yourself to me, because I can't take this anymore."

The Lord Jesus Christ provided that answer, appearing to the teenager in a cloud of glory, two outstretched hands reaching for the tormented youth with the most magnificent words ever uttered. "I have heard your cry for acceptance. I have heard your cry for reality, and I love you just the way that you are."

Over thirty years later, the result of that dynamic encounter is The Dancing Hand of God. More than an autobiography, this book is a teaching manual to equip the people of God with an apostolic spirit that breaks off the misconceptions the world has of the Father through the release of the miraculous. It deals with some of the hindrances people face: isolation, fear, unholiness. It is a book of the supernatural, but also a book on the functionality of the apostle to operate in signs, wonders and mighty deeds with all perseverance. (2 Cor. 12:12)

The Dancing Hand of God is a book about one man's intense desire to see the manifest presence of Jesus Christ, the release of the Spirit, and how he believes an encounter with the Father is just what every person needs!

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Unveiling the Fullness of God

Chapter 2: Unveiling the Fatherhood of God

Chapter 3: Unveiling the Otherness of God

Chapter 4: Unveiling the Acceptance of God

Chapter 5: Unveiling the Burden of God

Chapter 6: Unveiling the Glory of God

Chapter 7: Unveiling the Rule of God

Chapter 8: Unveiling the Availability of God

About the Author

James Maloney has been in full-time ministry for nearly forty years, traveling extensively across the United States and abroad in more than 40 countries, averaging 250-300 services yearly. He actively hosts international crusades and has preached to crowds of tens of thousands, evangelizing in extremely remote areas of the world, with heavy influence in closed countries of the Middle East and Asia. James holds a D.D., a Th.D. and a Ph.D. He has taught for over twenty years in several Bible schools, including Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, and Kingdom Faith Training College in Horsham, England. James and his wife, Joy, live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.