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Breaking the Threefold Demonic Cord
Breaking the Threefold Demonic Cord by Sandie Freed
Price: $13.99
Author: Sandie Freed
Subtitle: Defeating the Lies of Jezebel Athaliah and Delilah
Format: Paperback
Length: 187 Pages
Published: 2008

Stock Status:In Stock



Three evil powers have joined forces to deceive you, rob you and imprison you in religious structures. Its time to fight back.

For years a controlling Jezebel spirit has seduced the unsuspecting, even in the Church. Now the destructive forces of her daughter, Athaliah, and Delilah are becoming evident as well. The joining together of this threefold cord is the enemys secret weapon and it is gaining alarming momentum against believers.

This is no time for fear; it is time for action. God wants to provide His people with wisdom and anointing to expose and defeat these destructive spirits. An outpouring of godly expansion and growth awaits all who seek His direction. Discover how to break free of the confinement of old generational cycles and gain a stronger foothold in your stand against evil. Learn to discern and defeat the plans of the enemy against you. Join the battle and claim your righteous destiny through greater revelation and divine prayer strategy.

Table of Contents




Chapter 1:The Threefold Demonic Cord

Chapter 2:Jezebels Evil Influence

Chapter 3:The Gods of Jezebel

Chapter 4:Confronting Jezebel

Chapter 5:Athaliahs Reign of Terror

Chapter 6:Praying against the Demonic Powers of Jezebel and Athaliah

Chapter 7:The Evil Power of Delilah

Chapter 8:Praying against Delilah and Dagon

Conclusion:See and Believe!


The truths found within this book will set the reader free to live a victorious Christian life and fulfill his or her destiny.

From the Foreword by Dr. Bill Hamon, Christian International Apostolic Network

This book will help pastors, leaders and saints who long to move into the fullness of their destiny and inheritance. I highly recommend this book.

Barbara Yoder, Senior Pastor, Shekinah Christian Church

This book not only opened my eyes to how these diabolical spirits attack and devour our destinies, but is gives awesome scriptural principles and prayers for casting down their strongholds for eternity.

Dr. Gary L. Greenwald, Apostle, Eagles Nest Ministries

A masterpiece that will help believers defeat the networking of the spirits of Jezebel, Athaliah and Delilah. I highly recommend this book for all who want to live the victorious life promised by Jesus!

Barbara Wentroble, Founder, International Breakthrough Ministries

About the Author:

Sandie Freed and her husband, Mickey, are the founders and directors of Zion Ministries in Bedford, Texas. Together they pastured a local church in Texas for more than fourteen years, and today they apostolically oversee the Zion Kingdom Training Center, which trains and activates the Body of Christ in spiritual gifting.

Sandie is an ordained prophetess with Christian International Ministries and travels extensively, teaching prophetic truths to the Body of Christ. Sandie and Mickey also travel nationally and internationally as the Christian International IMPACT Team, in which they apostolically and prophetically oversee regions and churches.

Sandie has written three books: Destiny Thieves: Defeat Seducing Spirits and Achieve Your Purpose in God; Strategies from Heavens Throne: Claiming the Life God Wants for You; and Dream On: Unlocking Your Dreams and Visions. She has a masters degree in biblical theology and is often a featured guest on television and radio, where she has shared her testimony of Gods healing and delivering power. A gifted minister in dreams and visions and spiritual discernment, Sandie is a sought-after speaker and seminar instructor for her insight on dreams and visions and discerning strongholds over individuals, churches and regions. She is known for her powerful, down-to-earth messages that release life transformation and encouragement.

Sandie and Mickey have a daughter, Kim, and a son-in-law, Matt, who are active ordained ministers with Zion Ministries.