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Blueprints of Heaven
Blueprints of Heaven by Trevor Baker
Price: $14.99
Sale Price: $12.74
Savings: $2.25
Author: Trevor Baker
Format: Paperback

Stock Status:In Stock


In this current season God is opening up a fresh awareness of the supernatural in the lives of believers. His desire is for us to be increasingly sensitive to the Holy Spirit and tuned into how He wants to cause Heaven “spill out” on Earth.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Convergence of Heaven and Earth
Chapter 2: The Resources of Heaven
Chapter 3: Your Restored Inheritance
Chapter 4: Is the Church Ready?
Chapter 5: An Open Door Lifestyle
Chapter 6: Angelic Visitations
Chapter 7: Mantles of Anointing
Chapter 8: Mantles and Relationships
Chapter 9: The Kingdom of Heaven
Chapter 10: Keys of the Kingdom
About the Author


Many Christ-followers today are suffering from what I call the ‘ache of the ordinary’. However, there is nothing ordinary about God. He is the Creator of all things and the most fascinating, awe-inspiring Being in all of creation . . . He is GOD! So, why is it that so many Christians today seem to be so un-inspired in their relationship with Him? The answer is simply because many believers have simply not been awakened to the awesomeness of our God, nor have they been taught how to have real relationship with Him, beyond an initial salvation prayer. I highly recommend this book by my good friend, Trevor Baker, because I believe within it are many keys to intimacy with God that will answer the longing within every believer. Devour this book and decide to no longer live with the ‘ache of the ordinary’, but rather to live every day of your life filled with fascination and awe in the one who created you!
Ryan Wyatt, Founding Lead Pastor, Abiding Glory Church

Trevor Baker is a man who lives and operates in the power of the supernatural. His newest book is what God has for His sons and daughters who are truly hungry and thirsty to operate in the fullness of His Kingdom. It is filled with truths and revelations to arm and equip you with knowledge and understanding that will position you to enter into your rightful inheritance as co-heirs with the King of Glory.
Che Ahn, Senior Pastor, HRock Church

One thing that is vitally needed in the 21st century Church is a thorough understanding of God’s heart, plans and strategies to win this last day generation for His Kingdom. Trevor Baker, in his new book, goes right to the very heart of that issue and provides great insight with understanding into this all-important subject. In this book you will find understanding of spiritual doors, mantles of revelation and power, divine resources and the appropriation of our inheritance purchased by the Lord through His blood. All are vitally necessary ingredients for this last day Church.
Paul Keith Davis, Founder, WhiteDove Ministries

About the Author:

Trevor Baker passionately pursues a life of signs, wonders and miracles. He is the senior leader of the ministry Revival Fires, based in Dudley, UK. Based in the heart of England, Trevor ministers both as pastor to a growing local church and to the wider body of Christ. He travels internationally as a conference speaker, leads mission trips and mass crusades.