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Authentic Awakening
Authentic Awakening by Alan Strudwick
Price: $19.99
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Author: Alan Strudwick
Subtitle: Dismantling the New Age Counterfeit
Format: Paperback
Length: 189 Pages
Published: 2021

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


In Authentic Awakening, Alan Strudwick tells the story of his conversion from a high-ranking New Age Leader to a passionate disciple of Jesus. Along the way, Alan exposes Satan’s strategy to infiltrate the church, and equips you with tools to resist the Devil’s schemes.

From the age of 13, Alan Strudwick was chosen by a Hindu Guru to be an initiate and groomed to be a Key Leader in the New Age Movement’s infiltration of Western culture. Trained in the demonic spiritual practices of astral travel/projection, rebirthing, Eastern meditation, palm reading, tarot cards, spiritual guide visitations, hypnosis, levitation, Reiki healing, channeling, and more, he reached the highest echelons of the New Age Movement. But in a miraculous encounter with the Living God, Alan’s life was transformed forever!

In Authentic Awakening, Alan shares his gripping personal journey, alerting you to the subtle and overt schemes the enemy is leveraging in your life.

You will learn how to:
  • Recognize demonic invitations that are disguised as New Age practices.
  • Expose the “new world order” agenda of the New Age Movement.
  • See Yoga for what it is: a demonic gateway opening doors for spiritual attack.
  • Identify idolatrous pagan practices that have infiltrated western civilization.
  • Discern how Satan masquerades as an “angel of light” and avoid his snares.
  • Walk in your authority in Christ and understand the “three heavens” identified in Scripture.
  • Resist the deception of “new Age Christianity” which packages itself like Biblical Christianity.

The enemy has a calculated plan to deceive and disciple you. Alan exposes Satan’s “New Age” strategies so you can recognize his tactics, resist his snares, and walk in victory!

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Journey Begins
Chapter 2: My Invitation into Hinduism
Chapter 3: My Spiritual Advancement
Chapter 4: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 5: A Shocking Encounter
Chapter 6: Truth Under the Microscope
Chapter 7: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 8: Out of the Ashes
Chapter 9: True Enlightenment
Chapter 10: Mother Nature
Chapter 11: The Gift of Truth
Chapter 12: When Evil Took Centre Stage
Chapter 13: Sleeping with the Enemy
Chapter 14: Yoga on Trial
Chapter 15: The Gods of Yoga
Chapter 16: The Asanas of Yoga
Chapter 17: The Way Home

About the Author:
Alan Strudwick is a gifted teacher and prophetic strategist who brings a unique and powerful perspective, not only to the corporate world but also to churches. His life has taken him through many teachings, philosophies, and spiritual paths, including the New Age, alternative religions, and the occult. Alan’s subsequent disillusionment with each of these paths eventually led him to a personal relationship with Jesus as his Lord and Savior 28 years ago. Alan is the founder of both Alan Strudwick Ministries and Kingdom Business Ministries, ministry organizations dedicated to equipping and empowering the Body of Christ.