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Against the Tide
Against the Tide by Agnus Kinnear
Price: $12.99
Author: Agnus Kinnear
Subtitle: The Unforgettable Story Behind Watchman Nee
Format: Paperback
Length: 351 Pages
Published: 1973

Stock Status:In Stock


He stood against the tide of Chinese Marxist atheism and Communism in the first half of the twentieth century. With millions of his books sold, studied and quoted in many languages, the most notable being The Normal Christian Life, Nee must surely be among the strongest influences on modern Christian thinking.

Once described as “The most dangerous man in China”, Watchman Nee was imprisoned for his faith, sentenced to 20 years hard labor, brainwashing and physical torture. It is almost certain that in all that time he was not allowed a Bible.

When he died, a piece of paper was found beneath his pillow with several lines in large letters: “Christ is the Son of God. He died as the Redeemer for human beings and was raised up from the dead after three days. This is the biggest thing in the universe. I shall die for believing in Christ,”

Nee once observed following a severe trail of faith: “To keep our hand to the plough while wiping away our tears – that is Christianity.” Yet even in his last letter he was able to testify to the joy that was still in his heart.

Let this astonishing biography inspire you to a new level of faith and commitment.

Table of Contents:

Who’s Who
Chapter 1: The Gift
Chapter 2: Honour Your Ancestors
Chapter 3: Revolution
Chapter 4: Choice
Chapter 5: Dedication
Chapter 6: Across the Grain
Chapter 7: The Proof of Faith
Chapter 8: Foreign Fields
Chapter 9: A Fruitful Ministry
Chapter 10: The Old Wineskins
Chapter 11: Fragile Clay
Chapter 12: Disenchantment
Chapter 13: New Horizons
Chapter 14: Count It All Joy
Chapter 15: Rethinking
Chapter 16: Heyday
Chapter 17: Withdrawal
Chapter 18: Return
Chapter 19: Consistent Choice
Chapter 20: The Trap Closes
Chapter 21: Ordeal
Chapter 22: Last Years
Chapter 23: Unhindered
Appendix A: Christianity in China
Appendix B: Pinyin Pronunciation
Appendix C: Names of Places
Appendix D: Chronological Record of Events
Appendix E: Further Reading