After The Spirit Comes is for the Christian who wants the fullest possible life in Christ. This book answers the question, “What can a person expect after the Holy Spirit has indwelt his life – not only after conversion, but after being filled with the Spirit?”
Jack Taylor moves from the Spirit-filled life experience to give guidance in several areas. He stresses the basics of the Christian life – Bible reading and prayer, but goes into depth concerning the expectations of that life. After the Spirit Comes puts the Spirit-filled life in full Biblical focus. It guards the believer from becoming “at ease in Zion,” and emphasizes living a balanced life for Christ.
After the Spirit Comes is among Jack Taylor’s favorite books. When asked why he replies, “I had more fun writing it than most. I hid myself in a lovely place by a rushing river and I seemed to be floating on a cloud during the duration of its writing. It contains some of my most joyous principles of life from the Word. This is a life-changing book for me, and I believe it will change your life as well! Oh yes, there is another reason. It contains the most popular sermon that I have preached: The Rod of God.” Enjoy this message and a dozen other classics by Jack Taylor.
Table of Contents:
Title Interpretation Introduction Chapter 1: How It All Began Chapter 2: Confessions of a Pilgrim Chapter 3: The Pilgrim’s Pitfalls Chapter 4: The Purpose of Problems Chapter 5: The Joseph Principle Chapter 6: Now That I’m Spiritual Chapter 7: When God Does Not Come Through Chapter 8: Under the Juniper Tree Chapter 9: Shields of Brass for Shields of Gold Chapter 10: The Rod of God Chapter 11: Walking on the Water Chapter 12: A Faith for the Fiery Furnace Chapter 13: The Church’s Greatest Ministry Chapter 14: Spiritual Foot Washing
About the Author:
Jack R. Taylor is a name that is synonymous with the Spirit-filled life and the kingdom of God. He preaches the Kingdom of God around the world through his books, recorded messages and speaking engagements. Jack also fathers a host of spiritual sons through Sonslink, a ministry committed to modeling the Father/Son paradigm. He is president of Dimensions Ministries and lives with his wife, Friede, near Melbourne, Florida. Jack is a graduate of Hardin-Simmons University and Southwestern Theological Seminary and received an honorary doctorate in 2011.