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Scribal Anointing Revised and Expanded Edition
Scribal Anointing Revised and Expanded Edition by Theresa Harvard Johnson

Price: $15.99
Author: Theresa Harvard Johnson
Subtitle: Scribes Instructed in the Kingdom of Heaven
Format: 8.5 x 11" Paperback
Length: 128 Pages
Published: 2016

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


For far too long, the prophetic writing ministry of God’s creative scribes have gone untapped in the body. Some of those carrying the scribal ministry within them have yet to birth it and those who have are yet to understand why our Father in Heaven has placed this ministry in their hearts. Drawing on the wisdom of Jesus Christ and the revelation hidden in the Old Testament, The Scribal Anointing walks the present-day scribe into the depths of God’s heart concerning the ministry of prophetic writing.

Table of Contents:
Part 1: Foundation Building
Setting the Stage
A Brief Biblical History of the Scribe
Present Day Scribes
Scribes Instructed

Part 2: Scribal Ministry
Publishing the News
Writing the Prophetic Word of the Lord

Part 3: Transforming Your Ministry
Authentic Transformation
Your Gift Does Not Define You
The Purpose of Scribal Ministry

Part 4: Breaking Spiritual Strongholds
Ministry vs. Entertainment

Part 5: Unleashing the Scribal Anointing
When Breakthrough Doesn’t Come
Unleashing the Scribal Anointing Within
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About the Author:
Theresa Harvard Johnson is best known for her revelatory insight, understanding and apostolic teachings surrounding the ministry of the prophetic scribe and prophetic writing. She has published, contributed or co-authored more than 14 books including her signature publication “The Scribal Anointing,” which has been taught worldwide. Walking under a heavy apostolic mandate, Theresa has an intense desire to see the ministry of the prophetic scribe fully restored within the congregation, particularly as it relates to scribes destined to lead at a global capacity, those intricately positioned in government, education, worship and the arts. At the heart of this call is a fiery and fierce passion to see every believer come to know, understand and embrace this high calling upon their lives and within the community they impact.