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Rise to Your Destiny Woman of God
Rise to Your Destiny Woman of God by Barbara Wentroble
Price: $9.99
Author: Barbara Wentroble
Format: Paperback
Length: 126 Pages
Published: 2006

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)



Barbara Wentroble has a dream; a vision for what women can do for God's kingdom. Through the symbol of waves on a beach that gradually engulfed the globe, God showed Barbara that a spiritual shift was about to happen. He is sending a movement of the Spirit, releasing great revelation! Women are to rise up, take their place alongside men and impact the nations of the world!

Do you feel inadequate to the task? Do you feel stuck in a limited place? God has big plans for you! Rethink you identity through the eyes of the Lord, who speaks not only to who you are now, but also to your potential. Learn why fear, hurt and rejection are holding you back. You are chosen for greatness! It's time to rise up and discover the woman you are destined to be!