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Renew by Julie Winter
Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $14.44
Savings: $2.55
Author: Julie Winter
Subtitle: Breaking Free from Negative Thinking, Anxiety, and Depression
Format: Paperback
Length: 254 Pages
Published: 2017

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


So many people miss out on experiencing consistent joy in their lives because the toxic thoughts they embrace open doors to anxiety and depression.

In ReNew, Julie Winter leads you through the Biblical solution: Renewing your mind. Discover how your thoughts can determine the measure of joy you experience and the level of victory you achieve.

Through easy-to read, powerful chapters, you will learn to:
  • Break agreement with toxic thinking by learning how to take your thoughts captive and surrender them to Christ.
  • Understand the three “trees of your mind” and protect yourself from poisonous trees of unbelief and unforgiveness.
  • Receive healing by releasing forgiveness.
  • Keep your thought life healthy, nourished, and destiny-focused.
  • Sustain joy through a correct view of your identity in Christ.
  • Wear the Armor of God and use each item to dismantle lies aimed at your destiny.
  • Activate the power of declaring Scripture, remembering testimonies, and releasing thanksgiving.
  • Break free from shame, guilt, and other strongholds that the enemy uses to keep you in bondage.

A renewed mind is your weapon against the enemy’s lies and the key to walking in supernatural joy!

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Kris Vallotton
Chapter 1: Joy
Chapter 2: What Is in a Thought?
Chapter 3: What Is the Root?
Chapter 4: Identify the Lie
Chapter 5: Take Every Thought Captive
Chapter 6: Forgiveness
Chapter 7: No Is a Healthy Word: Setting Boundaries
Chapter 8: Nourish Your Mind
Chapter 9: Stay in the Now and Keep Kind Thoughts
Chapter 10: Identity: Who Are You?
Chapter 11: What Are You Wearing?
Chapter 12: Express the Word
Chapter 13: Remember
Chapter 14: Gratitude and Generosity
Chapter 15: Worship and Praise
Chapter 16: Diet and Supplements
Chapter 17: Exercise, Sleep, and Light Therapy
Chapter 18: Humor: The Power of Laughter


I am very excited for the release of this book, as there are multitudes of people who will be helped and strengthened by the content of ReNew. I love that Julie Winter addresses both natural and supernatural realms. These areas blend beautifully together in the life well lived. She provides us with brilliant insight, biblical perspectives, sound medical counsel, and practical suggestions that should help and inspire every reader. Read, be encouraged, and be strengthened by stepping into your God-given inheritance called health and joy.
Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, Redding, CA

ReNew is a precious resource for those who struggle with the stress of anxiety and depression. I highly recommend this book to those who want freedom and understanding from this debilitating and disruptive condition.
Danny Silk, President of Loving on Purpose

About the Author:
Julie Winter is a family nurse practitioner and currently works in private practice in Redding, California. She has a Master’s degree in Nursing from UCLA and has 29 years of experience in helping people find freedom from anxiety and depression. Julie serves on Redding City Council, and also serves on the board of her local professional organization, Advance Redding, and Bethel Church. She and her husband, Mike, have two sons and four grandchildren.