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Poverty, Riches, and Wealth
Poverty, Riches, and Wealth by Kris Vallotton
Price: $15.99
Sale Price: $13.59
Savings: $2.40
Author: Kris Vallotton
Subtitle: Moving from a Life of Lack Into True Kingdom Abundance
Format: Paperback
Length: 195 Pages
Published: 2018

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


Prosperity. It’s one of the most dividing, misused and misunderstood words in the Church. With refreshing honesty, humor and keen insight bestselling author and teacher Kris Vallotton mines the Scriptures in an eye-opening study of what the Bible really says about money, poverty, riches and wealth. And what he finds is sure to shake up what you thought you knew.

Showing how Kingdom prosperity begins from the inside out. Kris helps you learn to cultivate a mindset of abundance – no matter your circumstances – and begin to experience the wealth of heaven in every are of your life.

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Jentezen Franklin
Introduction: Attitudes of Nobility
Part 1: The True Meaning of Kingdom Wealth
Chapter 1: The Net Worth of Jesus
Chapter 2: How to Cure a Wealth Autoimmune Disease
Chapter 3: Why All Believers Should Be Wealthy, Not Rich
Chapter 4: Extraordinary Franchise Opportunities Available
Chapter 5: The Legacy of Prosperity
Chapter 6: Money Is Not a Measure of Spirituality, Unless It Is!
Chapter 7: The Mindset of the Wealthy
Chapter 8: The Outrageously Artistic Nature of God

Part 2: Practical Ways to Grow Your Capacity for Wealth
Chapter 9: The Tyranny of the Glass Jar
Chapter 10: A Practical Look at Prosperity
Chapter 11: Mastering Motivation
Chapter 12: The Company You Keep


Kris has done it again! He’s challenged us to rethink what we’ve grown to believe. This time it’s about wealth, riches and poverty. Throughout every day we are making choices that will lead us along pathways to either wealth or poverty. With simple language and challenging insight, Poverty, Riches, and Wealth is a powerful navigation tool that will help ensure you reach the destiny God has in store for you
Sandy Stimpson, mayor, Mobile, Alabama

Poverty, Riches, and Wealth is both foundational and practical in helping you understand true wealth from a Kingdom perspective. Kris Vallotton describes how wealth is an inside job and flows from our beliefs about our identity in Christ and His great love for us. God is waiting to pour out wealth on a people who will use it not to build their own kingdom, but to bring the resources of the Kingdom of God to transform the world around them. As you read this book, ask yourself how you would live if you truly believed that the wealth of heaven was available to do all that is in your heart.
Julie Winter, Redding City Council; author

About the Author:
Kris Vallotton is a leader at Bethel Church in Redding, California, where he oversees the financial well-being of the Bethel network of ministries. He is also the co-founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and chairman of Bethel School of Technology. Bethel Media and Advance Redding, an organization dedicated to cultural transformation.

The author of more than fourteen books, including Spirit Wars and Destined to Win, Kris is also a successful entrepreneur, starting and owning nine businesses over twenty years. He works regularly with government and business leaders at home and abroad, guiding, teaching and equipping them. His prophetic insight and humorous delivery make him a much-sought-after international conference speaker. He and his wife, Kathy, live in Redding, California.