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Manifesting Gods Love Through Signs Wonders and Miracles
Manifesting Gods Love Through Signs Wonders and Miracles by Jerame Nelson
Price: $14.99
Sale Price: $12.74
Savings: $2.25
Author: Jerame Nelson
Subtitle: Discovering the Keys of the Kingdom
Format: Paperback
Length: 172 Pages
Published: 2010

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Gods love = miracles! Are you ready to share Gods love with others? Then be prepared to experience signs, wonders, and miracles!

From angelic visitations to visions to supernatural healings, author Jerame Nelson shares intimate details about how his life and ministry have been impacted by the supernatural. He hands you the keys God has given him to make the supernatural a reality. You are invited to:

  • Experience more intimacy with God
  • Walk daily in the supernatural
  • Learn how to hear Gods voice in dreams, visions, and angelic visitations.
  • Position yourself for supernatural encounters with God
  • Encounter His love, and share His love with others

You will learn how to see the power of God manifest in your life! This is an exciting and eye-opening look at what is going on in the spiritual realm and how you can tap into the supernatural.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Bobby Conner


Chapter 1: Searching for the Keys to the Kingdom

Chapter 2: Gathering the Keys Others Possess

Chapter 3: The Key to Opening Portals of Revelation

Chapter 4: Ascending the High Places

Chapter 5: Keys to the Abundance of the Anointing

Chapter 6: Keys to Revelation

Chapter 7: Keys to Power and Miracles

Chapter 8: Opening the Doors to the Revolution of Love

Postscript: A Word for My Generation


Jerame is called to break the Body of Christ into something fresh, and in this book, he reveals Kingdom eys that release fresh insights into divine encounters with the Living God, calling the generations to arise and take hold of their unique destiny.

Jeff Jansen, Founder of Global Fire Ministries, Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Love is the key we must all possess, and when we turn this key, power is released! Even small keys can open big doors; thats why a smile or kind word can sometimes be the greatest sign or wonder. Manifesting Gods Love will show you how you can both possess this key and turn it as well.

Rick Pino, Fire Rain Ministries

Jerames book is packed full of refreshing insight and perspective. I love the theme of being equipped with intimacy, authority, and revelation which are some of the main keys to living a successful life. Jerame shares out of his own prophetic journey and uses examples of how he is on track with the very message of the book: manifesting love through the power of God. To all those who dont just want another book on signs and wonders but are ready to be unlocked to be the sign and wonder, read this and follow in Jerames footsteps. Then as understanding gets unlocked in you, let this book prophesy to you so that you can help to be one who unlocks this generation just like Jerame!

Shawn Bolz, Senior Pastor of Expression58; Author

About the Author

Jerame Nelson is the founder of Living at His Feet Ministries, a well-known international conference speaker, and a crusade revivalist to the nations. Jerame and his wife, Miranda, live in San Diego, California, and work together in the ministry to change the lives of thousands through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.