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Keys to Brilliant Focus
Keys to Brilliant Focus by Graham Cooke

Price: $12.00
Author: Graham Cooke
Subtitle: The Wisdom Series Book Three
Format: Paperback
Published: 2012

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


Life runs at us headlong and busy, frenetic with chores, tasks, plans and purposes.  In the midst of that our relationship with the Lord is a calm, peaceful oasis filled with life, love and laughter.

Wisdom is the power to perceive differently, the ability to think in a way that is energizing and full of faith, and the permission to cultivate a lifestyle that mixes our heavenly identity with our earthly circumstances.

Here, within, are fifty-two short readings packed with wisdom to enable you to rise up and occupy a place in the Spirit, regardless of circumstances.


The key is the test

People who are always looking for a shortcut seldom pass the test of life.  The test is the shortcut.  The key is the test that God gives us so that we can receive, become and inherit what He seen over us.  Testing is always linked to the development of our obedience (2 Cor 2:9; 10:5).

What the Spirit discloses must be proven in us. All revelation is tested so that our experience can empower us to occupy the place that God has set aside for us.  The difference between remaining a child and becoming an adult are the tests that we must embrace along the way.  Failure is caused by our lack of learning.  We do not see this incident as a test so we do not grow in this adversity, which means it must be repeated.

We cannot fail the tests of God but we will get to take them again, and again, and again.  Until we pass!  The test is the key to growth. Are we willing to become obedient and trustworthy?  Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered (Hebrews 5:8).  We must do likewise.  Whatever keys of the Kingdom that God wishes to bestow on us will form a vital part of our testing and proving ground.  It is important therefore that we pay attention to our burdens in the Spirit.  Whatever we feel strongly about will be tested in us first.  We are tested personally by the freedoms that God wants us to impart to others.

Our tests are everywhere, everyday.  Our words, actions, promises and integrity are tested constantly.  Our determination and resolve in life and ministry are tested for authenticity.

The key is the test and the test is the key.