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Heavens Symphony
Heavens Symphony by Steve Swanson
Price: $15.99
Sale Price: $13.59
Savings: $2.40
Author: Steve Swanson
Subtitle: Your Invitation to Unlock Divine Encounters Through Worship
Format: Paperback
Length: 187 Pages
Published: 2015

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


Worship is more than music . . . it is your invitation to a divine encounter!

When you worship, more is going on than meets the eye. You take your place among a heavenly symphony that has been offering up praise since the dawn of time.

Receive a fresh vision of your destiny, start seeing the supernatural activity of Heaven released through worship, and experience God in ways you never dreamed possible!

Table of Contents:

Foreword by Randy Clark
Introduction: Joining the Symphony
Chapter 1: Yearning for Freedom
Chapter 2: The Sounds of Heaven
Chapter 3: The Sounds of Earth
Chapter 4: Keys to Joining the Symphony
Chapter 5: A Priesthood of Worshipers
Chapter 6: The Psalmist’s Anointing
Chapter 7: Growing in the Anointing
Chapter 8: Worship Dynamics
Chapter 9: Basking in the Glory


Steve Swanson’s life has always been dedicated to music, but music took on new meaning for him through the transforming work of Jesus. He has been forever changed by the privilege to worship. I have been in countless meetings where Steve has led and have experienced firsthand the wonder of his unique gift. In his fascinating book, Heaven’s Symphony, Steve reveals how creation interacts with a continuously worships its creator. This book is an invitation to join in. Backed by years of experience, it is practical for worship leaders and worshipers alike. Heaven’s Symphony is sure to mark your life for good.
Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, Redding, CA

The most important thing we can do is cultivate intimacy with Daddy God, all fruitfulness and everything good in our lives flow from this relationship. No one can give you deeper intimacy; the only way to get more oil is to stop for the One who is the One and spend time with Him in the secret place. God is searching the earth for those who will surrender everything to Him in this place, ones who will be holy-given, laid-down lovers. Steve is one who lives a life of pure worship on and off the stage. I pray that as you read you will learn about holy worship; but more than that, I pray that you will get hungry for more of God in your own life and worship Him with all that you are. He is worthy of it all.
Heidi Baker, PhD, Co-Founder and Director of Iris Global

About the Author:

Steve Swanson travels the world leading people in worship. He carries a powerful anointing that creates an atmosphere of breakthrough and allows worshipers to experience freedom, joy, and intimacy with the Lord. Since 1997, Steve has overseen Friends of the Bridegroom Worship Ministries, dedicated to releasing Kingdom creativity in worship and the arts. He has released 22 worship albums.