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God's Oikos
God's Oikos by Don Lynch
Price: $5.50
Author: Don Lynch
Format: Paperback
Length: 27 Pages
Published: 2017

Stock Status:In Stock


The kingdom matrix of God's household explains the use of the Greek word group, oikos, as it relates to the spiritual kingdom, the Ecclesia, and the inheriting sons of God. The matrix is complex. The matrix operates with kingdom culture in mind.

The matrix is inclusive of several relationships, roles, and responsibilities greater than a nuclear family. The matrix includes commerce, and commerce is not separated into an economic model outside the household. The matrix may be discussed as a spiritual ecosystem, a word based upon the Greek word group, oikos. Understanding kingdom through this Bible framework leads us to apostolic order. So, the apostolic order that matures the matrix, causing it to produce purpose, has not yet reached operational integrity because apostles and prophets are not yet restored in function at the foundational level. Only apostolic order can bring this integrity to the kingdom matrix and mature God's oikos. This could and should become a basis for taking the next step in apostolic reformation, and it will certainly demand a new, matured look at the influence of the kingdom on human culture.