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Spiritual Warrior Advanced Training Instruction Manual
Spiritual Warrior Advanced Training Instruction Manual by Blake Higginbotham

Price: $9.99
Author: Blake Higginbotham
Format: Paperback
Length: 45 Pages
Published: 2019

Stock Status:In Stock


This manual is a second edition of a book I wrote in the 90s, called Spiritual Warfare. After consulting two bothers with whom I walk, we have decided that this generation has either forgotten or been denied the reality of a full comprehensive plan of salvation. The reality is divine healing, health and living have almost become a thing of the past and deliverance has been relegated to medical science and psychology. The full comprehensive plan of salvation includes both healing and deliverance and we will never be made whole without them.

  • When is the last time you personally saw or experienced a miracle or divine haling of any kind?
  • When is the last time you personally saw or experienced the baptism in Holy Spirit, speaking in other languages, or deliverance in a public gathering of any kind?
  • When is the last time you personally saved, healed, or delivered anybody?

Note: These are not trick questions, and they demand an honest answer from all of us.

With the reintroduction of this manual, it is our hope that we will empower those who will become the glory bringing hope to the next generation. We invite you to revisit this course of study from a new perspective and receive the tolls and equipment necessary to reach the people of this generation. The truth is an overwhelming number of people are lost and undone. They are desperately seeking help. They are hoping to find a savior, redeemer, and friend in us. Selah!

Table of Contents:
Part 1: Priority of Prayer
Part 2: Power of Praise and Worship
Part 3: Practice of Praying
Part 4: Praying with Understanding
Part 5: Praying with the Spirit