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Spiritual General
Spiritual General by Les Brinkley

Price: $14.99
Author: Les Brinkley
Subtitle: Elite Training in Leadership and Spiritual Warfare
Format: Paperback
Length: 219 Pages
Published: 2021

Stock Status:In Stock


The church of Jesus Christ is in a current state of bondage, brokenness, and apathy that grieves the Holy Spirit deeply. In these last days, our heavenly Father is looking throughout the earth for a select few that are ready to lead, ready to fight, and ready to learn how to operate in “High Command!” Our world has forever changed, and we must be willing to adapt to these changes as the enemy escalates his evil agenda!

There is an unseen cosmic war of epic proportions raging all around us, and many believers refuse to acknowledge this truth. This is an ageless battle between God and Satan, and it has raged on with relentless ferocity since the fall of Adam! Like it or not, we are called to strap up, armor up, and actively participate in it as soldiers of Christ. The Lord tarries in His return because He desires that all men would be saved. His mighty army of angels and believers ought to be carrying out covert rescue missions for the lost, but the mission commanders, both men and women, are nowhere to be found! This manual is designed to find these warriors and make them strong, wise, resourceful leaders! Its principal purpose is to disciple Christians in the art of fishing for men and the offensive techniques needed to war against the powers of darkness.

We’ve got the power of God’s Holy Spirit to teach us how to win the fight on the inner battlefield that rages within each of us and on the outer battlefield that rages in the heavens. He has given us angelic comrades to defend us, engage in combat with us, and to comfort us through the rigors of battle.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Call to Warfare
Chapter 2: Defining the Battlefield
Chapter 3: The Weapons and Resources of Warfare
Chapter 4: The Qualities of a Spiritual General
Chapter 5: Responsibilities of a Spiritual General
Chapter 6: The Air-Land Battle Doctrine